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Welcome to ALOps, an extension for Microsoft Azure DevOps, that provides building blocks for easily setting up build pipelines for AL Language Extensions, aka "Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Extensions".

These building blocks can be used to create a build pipeline for your AL Language Extension, that will build your extension, publish it to a Dynamics 365 Business Central Server, run tests on the server, and much more! A list of all the buildsteps can be found here.

Getting Started#

As ALOps provide building blocks for DevOps, you'll see it's very easy to get started. It's all described right here.

Another good way to get started is to watch our introduction videos:

And then there are example pipelines, which you can find here.

More information about ALOps#

Here are some more links about ALOps and how to work with it:

For an entire overview of all releases, you can consult the changelog.

More Information about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central#

Here is some more information about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central